I was walking home from dinner with my husband and friends on my birthday. It also happened to be mom's weekend in full force. A younger woman (20 something) was sitting on the stoop of a porch in front of an uptown business. A man of about the same age was grabbing her by the chin and screaming at her to move her "[email protected]@." My husband and I stopped to intervene if it escalated but before we had a chance, another woman, probably in her 40's, stepped between the woman and the man and told the man to back off and walk away. He screamed at her to mind her own business. She stood her ground and said anytime she witnesses a person abusing another person that it is her business. She informed him that she was not intimidated by him and that she had her phone set to dial 911. He called her a nasty expletive but moved on down the road. We lingered for a moment to be sure the girl was okay. She said she was but then she started walking quickly down the road in the same direction as the man who had just abused her. Kudos to the woman who intervened and the many bystanders who hung around as backup!